Full-time students complete 48cp per Semester. Full-time study is a visa condition for International students, unless you have permission to study part-time. Contact your Academic Advisor for more info.
If you have technical difficulties with the Enrolment Online portal, please submit a Student Connect enquiry. A common error can happen when students try to delete all courses (the system won’t allow you to do this unless you are approved for Leave of Absence) or when students try to add more than 48cp of courses - try removing and adding one course at a time.
Below you will find links to the relevant course guides and advice on which coureses are available in which semester. We generally suggest completing the courses at the top of the list before proceeding to the later courses, and to complete the First Year courses ahead of the Second Year courses.
First Year Courses
Sem 1 |
Sem 2 |
Flex Term |
12cp |
12cp |
24cp |
24cp |
12cp |
12cp |
24cp |
24cp |
12cp |
12cp |
12cp |
Note: Creative Media Work Practices will be available in Sem 2 only, and Story and Audience in Sem 1 only. Depending on when you commence the program, you will do one of these courses before the other.
You may complete an Elective of your choice. There are a number of School Options available, but you can do any post-grad Elective from across the University. Electives help you add value to your degree, further pursue one of your interests outside of Media, and explore an area that is new to you. Most students do their Electives in Sem 1 or 2, but you can do a Flex Term option if you wish.
Our first-year courses make up the Graduate Diploma in Media, which is now available for enrolment. If you are enrolled in the Master of Media and you complete all of the first-year courses, you may choose to exit the degree early with the Graduate Diploma. Any advanced standing or credit you receive for the Masters program is not transferrable to an exit award.
Second Year Courses
Sem 1 |
Sem 2 |
Flex Term |
12cp |
12cp |
12cp |
24cp |
24cp |
12cp |
12cp |
24cp |
24cp |
12cp |
12cp |
12cp |
Note: COMM2845 Research Methods for Media is a pre-requisite for COMM2786 Professional Research Project (Media). You must complete Research Methods before proceeding to PRP.
Impact Storytelling will be available in Sem 2 only. You may need to swap this course for Media Career Development or your second post-graduate Elective, depending when you are due to complete Impact Storytelling.